Line the base and sides of a 1-liter pudding basin with the white bread slices, ensuring there are no gaps. Trim the bread as necessary to fit the shape of the basin.
Pour the cooled berry mixture into the bread-lined pudding basin, ensuring it fills the basin evenly. Reserve a small amount of the berry juice for later use.
Cover the berry mixture with additional slices of white bread, again trimming them to fit the basin. Place a small plate or saucer on top of the bread and press it down gently to compress the contents
Use a small bowl orramekin to catch any excess juice that may overflow from the pudding basin.Pour the reserved berry juice over the top of the bread, allowing it to soak inand further enhance the flavors.
Place a weight, such as a can of beans, on top of the pudding to compress it further. This will help the bread absorb the berry juices and set the pudding's shape. Chill the pudding in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours or overnight
When ready to serve,remove the pudding from the refrigerator and carefully remove the weight andplate. Run a knife around the edges of the pudding to loosen it, then place aserving plate on top of the basin. Holding both the basin and plate firmly,invert them together to release the pudding onto the plate.
Serve generous slices of the Summer Pudding with a dollop of Greek yogurt on top. Garnish with fresh mint leaves to add a touch of elegance and enjoy the burst of flavors in every spoonful.